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Sewer Cleaning & Repairs Service
By the passage of time the drain and sewer pipes get cracks and breakages by tree roots intrusion, sewage leaks from the joints, belly in the drain pipes and because of many other reasons. Cracked or broken sewer or drain pipes can be more costly to repair if they are left un attended. Some time you have to end up in replacing whole sewer line if it can't be repaired. When sewer or drain line cant be repaired then the only option you have to go with is complete replacement. Luckily Plumbing Patrol of Lafayette have solutions to replace these sewer and drain lines with out trenching and tearing up the whole yard by using Plumbing Patrol of Lafayette Pipe Burst technology.
Local Pros are a tap away. You have your
options 24/7/365
Significantly greener grass near sewer clean-out or sewer system.
Lake of water in toilet or toilets making gurgling noises.
Shower or tubs draining slow or not draining at all.
Sewage backing up in toilets or tubs .
Sewer odor in bathroom, basement or other parts of property .
Flys around sewer pipes specially sewer or drain clean-out.
Broken Sewer or Drain Line Solutions
The Plumbing and Sewer experts at Plumbing Patrol of Lafayette can access your sewer or drain system and inspect the pipe cracks, breakages and damages with latest sewer camera inspection technology. Below are some Sewer & Drain Line Solutions we can perform.
Pipe Burst:
As the name indicates Pipe Burst is the process in which the old sewer or drain line is replaced with new pipe by pulling it through the old pipe, even if the existing pipe is collapsed, behind a special breaking head (or cone) that expands a clear channel ahead of the new pipe as it travels underground. One small pit is all that is necessary for most jobs in order to feed the new pipe into the ground. This method is a very cost effective and environment friendly.
Pipe Relining:
Drain lining is a method that can implemented to repair drains that our cracked, broken, leaking or displaced without the need for costly excavation. A drain liner consists of a felt liner that is cut to the required length then a polyester, epoxy or silicate resin is impregnated for the felt to absorb then it is inserted into the drain or pipe run. This method can be very cost effective to effect repairs as opposed to excavation and is less disruptive and of inconvenience.
Trenchless Rehabilitation
Most people are unfamiliar with the term Trenchless Pipe Replacement. Some other names commonly used are "No-Dig", "trenchless pipe rehabilitation", "pipe breaking", "Pipe Bursting" "Trenchless Technology" and "trenchless pipeline replacement". No matter which name it is going by it simply means splitting an old, worn out pipe while inserting a new one ...all at the same time!
Trenchless rehabilitation includes such construction methods as